Friday 28 October 2011


Went to town today after revising the English Exam with the Grade 7's - got to do Grade 6 on Monday but am going to have a look at the work beforehand as some are a little difficult sometimes to know the right answer!
Was given some money to buy the Orphanage needed supplies so with $300 went to town - got enough flour to make 4 lots of buns (combined with other flour they have here), 1 bag of rice for $45 - which will barely do them 2 meals, sanitary pads for the girls, and lots of special fruit like pineapples, mangoes, bananas, avocados and sugar cane as when you are feeding 180 children all these things get expensive, even thought mangoes are 25c each and bananas 5c! I couldn't help myself and bought them some stainless steel bowls, tweezers, gloves and disinfectant and a heap of lozengers and cough lollies for the clinic here as they don't have much there and had never had the tweezers before and didn't know what to use them for! Also feed some street kids - see pics.

Getting the "bale" of flour to add to the whole flour they have here to make the bunds. Takes one of these to make enough buns for one meal for the children. Sabbath they have fruit and buns for their lunch, which they enjoy. Tomorrow they will have a special day with the extra ones we bought.

Loading the bag of rice and flour to the car.

As a special treat we bought 80 bananas at 5c each, for the younger children, but misclaculated and so had to get another 25 from the kitchen.

Happy girl with her banana.

One of the HIV children who are given special meals of fresh fruit each day and vegetable soup with lentils and beans and raw food as well, and they are very healthy.

My little friend who has a boil under his ear the size of a huge egg, took him to the hospital this morning and they gave him an injection and antibiotics and they said when the boil comes up they will lance it. He was tired so I fed him his bowl of vege soup - he is eating a chipati here - and he then fell asleep. He is so gorgeous.

Girls and boys who came for a walk to the lake with me last night.

The lake with the mountains in the background. This is in the famous RIFT Valley.

Some yellow billed stalks on the lake - the flamingos and pelicans will be there early in the morning.

Main street of Nukuru with people marching for something. I too cross the road amidst the chaos of cars, matatus, taxis and people.

One of the street kids who ask "Pastor Benson" for something to eat. We took them around to a lady who had porridge for sale and we had 9 to feed by the time we got there so I paid 90 shillings for their porridge (90 cents) and bought them a packet of local donuts to share.

Enjoying their hot millet porridge 10 cents a cup and reaching for a donut from Benson! What can you do but at least give them one meal. Would love to set up something here to feed them at least one meal a day and counsel them and just generally help. There are about 1,500 living on the streets, no family, no home, girls too with babies - so sad to see.

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