Monday 3 October 2011

School visit

We visited an Adventist school today where a lady from America donates money so they children can be given lunch every day, as many are so poor they have very little food, so they get the one good meal a day. Enjoy the pics. The kids were gorgeous. The school goes from pre-school to Year 8 - all in uniform. They were so excited to see us.

The gates to the school

Year 6 students - only 7 students all girls - their classroom is in the corner of the church as there aren't enough classrooms for them. They felt my hair and kept playing with it saying how beautiful it was and soft (I think it is dry and horrid!) and then started patting and feeling the lovely "soft" skin on my upper arms. They thought it was wonderful - glad someone does.

Year 2 students

All the children had to wash their hands before eating - good as they actually eat with their fingers!

Teachers' staff room

Class rooms with teacher sitting in front

The only playground they have - a very rocky very small area - couldn't play on it or do anything - would love to get it concreted at least for them so they have somewhere they can do something

Back to Grade 1 again!

Isn't he gorgeous - he just wouldn't let my hand go and stayed with me the whole time.

Even the little girls have great hairdos

Cooking lunch each day
A little pre-schooler getting his lunch
Little girl happy to get some good food

Lunch - Ugali (not sure how you spell it) and some green vegetable (name too long and complicated to type here) with tomatoes and onions

This is what happens when visitors come with a camera! Arline only arrived yesterday for our safari so we took her with us - a bit overwhelming when you have kids coming at you from every direction and all wanting to see the pictures you've taken. 

Check out the scaffolding! This is how they build their multi storey buildings! Bet there is no WorkCover here nor building inspectors


Donkey in town - waiting to carry his load - with charcoal in tins ready for sale, in front of him

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