Thursday 27 October 2011

FIWAGOH Mission and Orphanage

This is the second orphanage I have come to - very different to the first - but still only cold water for
washing (and no showers) - but I am getting used to it now! Have been helping at the scool with supervising exams, teaching some English - reviewing exams, marking papers. Hope to get for a walk down to the lake later this afternoon after supper. We only have two meals a day here one at 8.00 am and one at 3.30 pm - surviving so far LOL so will go after that. Taking worship each night with the children, showed them the powerpoint of PNG last night - lots of laughs and amazement at some of the photos and my talk. probably take worship most nights I am here and for the teachers each morning as well. There are 180 children here so lots of noise but all is good and a beautiful place. Enjoy ...
The view from the classroom overlooking the lake - just beautiful. I think my camera is packing it in or something as those black dots keep appearing, epecially when I zoom in to anything - not happy!

View towards the other side of the lake with the childrens rooms and main house in the foreground

My class doing their exams

You need one BIG pot when you are cooking for 180 kids - and the two meals a day are BIG meals.

Serving out the lunch

Maize and Beans together with lots of veges - Succertersh

The school from the outside. This will be the teachers housing when they build the new school

Yep washing is all done by hand. The "matrons" only do the smaller boys' washing - everyone else does their own

View from the playground to the lake - flamingos and pelicans are quite often on the lake

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