Tuesday 1 November 2011

FIWAGOH ... the swim ,,, the end

Well am back now in the relative safety of the compound just out of Nairobi, but hear there have been some bombings in town and that Kenya is warring with Somalia. Maybe that was why when I got on the Matatu to come home today, we drove to a police station and they searched our bags and patted us down. The ride to Nairobi was enjoyable as I slept most of the way to avoid looking at the very close range of other vehicles to ours as we drove along and also vehicles coming from the opposite direction as we pass! I was "lucky" to get the front seat. Had a wonderful time at the orphanage - here are some final shots of the kids and also the wonderful walk to the "hot springs" where I proceeded to swim in the pelican and flamingo infested waters. Only a cold shower when I got back but it was better than no shower. Enjoyed my hot one this afternoon after arriving back "home". Enjoy the pics and captions.
The children having worship before starting class. The older ones take the younger classes each morning. It is a very good idea and the kids love it.

Fruit bought with donation - bananas, avocado, pineapple, mangoes. The kids were SOOO happy to have this as feeding 180 kids gets a bit expensive and you can't always give them these treats

I cut up a whole box of avocadoes

Florence (Mum) cutting the 30 pineapples into pieces

Benson (Dad) cutting the sugar cane - their favourite "sweet"

All the 180 plates are served individually for the children to come and collect so they are everywhere when they are dishing up. They had 3 buns and a piece of each of the fruit plus a whole mango which they eat skin and all.

Lining up for the sugar cane. They just love it.

Enjoying their supper

Washing water basin!

My Sabbath School Class on Sabbath morning. We sang new songs I had been teaching them - the electricity was off all day so no data projector so they just had to use the computer.
David came from America with 4 suitcases and 140 pairs of shoes - would you believe there were 5 pair that didn't fit any of the children. They were donated by soles4souls. Great idea.

The happy faces of the children waiting to try some of the shoes on
My journey to the lake begins - with 103 children + 4 seniors

There were many beautiful yellow billed pelicans there

The children always want their photo with you. And had two holding my hands for the whole 4 hours walking there and back! If one dropped my hand another one quickly grabbed it.

The "black" hole the shoe went down had to reach in and fish out - yuk!

The boys having fun on the way, thought about seeing if I could jump it but thought naa, I would fall in and make a real fool of myself!

We had to negotiate herds of goats, sheep, cows and donkeys. Lucky they are used to people although I saw the children scatter at one stage when a bull must have become annoyed with them and they aren't small bulls!

Yes that's the boys swimming in the "hot springs"
Please note the colour of the water!

Yuk squelch slimy (which I know is poo) under my feet, do I really have to do this?

I said I would go in so here goes!
Yep can still feel the slime - but I'm under
Yeah I did it!
Had to show them how to swim - breast stroke only as I wasn't puting my face in that water!
Glad to be out and dry myself off (could still feel the slime though)

The children had a great time

And look, you can wash in it!

The slime makers!

Beautiful sunset over the lake - my last night.

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