Friday 28 October 2011


Went to town today after revising the English Exam with the Grade 7's - got to do Grade 6 on Monday but am going to have a look at the work beforehand as some are a little difficult sometimes to know the right answer!
Was given some money to buy the Orphanage needed supplies so with $300 went to town - got enough flour to make 4 lots of buns (combined with other flour they have here), 1 bag of rice for $45 - which will barely do them 2 meals, sanitary pads for the girls, and lots of special fruit like pineapples, mangoes, bananas, avocados and sugar cane as when you are feeding 180 children all these things get expensive, even thought mangoes are 25c each and bananas 5c! I couldn't help myself and bought them some stainless steel bowls, tweezers, gloves and disinfectant and a heap of lozengers and cough lollies for the clinic here as they don't have much there and had never had the tweezers before and didn't know what to use them for! Also feed some street kids - see pics.

Getting the "bale" of flour to add to the whole flour they have here to make the bunds. Takes one of these to make enough buns for one meal for the children. Sabbath they have fruit and buns for their lunch, which they enjoy. Tomorrow they will have a special day with the extra ones we bought.

Loading the bag of rice and flour to the car.

As a special treat we bought 80 bananas at 5c each, for the younger children, but misclaculated and so had to get another 25 from the kitchen.

Happy girl with her banana.

One of the HIV children who are given special meals of fresh fruit each day and vegetable soup with lentils and beans and raw food as well, and they are very healthy.

My little friend who has a boil under his ear the size of a huge egg, took him to the hospital this morning and they gave him an injection and antibiotics and they said when the boil comes up they will lance it. He was tired so I fed him his bowl of vege soup - he is eating a chipati here - and he then fell asleep. He is so gorgeous.

Girls and boys who came for a walk to the lake with me last night.

The lake with the mountains in the background. This is in the famous RIFT Valley.

Some yellow billed stalks on the lake - the flamingos and pelicans will be there early in the morning.

Main street of Nukuru with people marching for something. I too cross the road amidst the chaos of cars, matatus, taxis and people.

One of the street kids who ask "Pastor Benson" for something to eat. We took them around to a lady who had porridge for sale and we had 9 to feed by the time we got there so I paid 90 shillings for their porridge (90 cents) and bought them a packet of local donuts to share.

Enjoying their hot millet porridge 10 cents a cup and reaching for a donut from Benson! What can you do but at least give them one meal. Would love to set up something here to feed them at least one meal a day and counsel them and just generally help. There are about 1,500 living on the streets, no family, no home, girls too with babies - so sad to see.

Thursday 27 October 2011

FIWAGOH Mission and Orphanage

This is the second orphanage I have come to - very different to the first - but still only cold water for
washing (and no showers) - but I am getting used to it now! Have been helping at the scool with supervising exams, teaching some English - reviewing exams, marking papers. Hope to get for a walk down to the lake later this afternoon after supper. We only have two meals a day here one at 8.00 am and one at 3.30 pm - surviving so far LOL so will go after that. Taking worship each night with the children, showed them the powerpoint of PNG last night - lots of laughs and amazement at some of the photos and my talk. probably take worship most nights I am here and for the teachers each morning as well. There are 180 children here so lots of noise but all is good and a beautiful place. Enjoy ...
The view from the classroom overlooking the lake - just beautiful. I think my camera is packing it in or something as those black dots keep appearing, epecially when I zoom in to anything - not happy!

View towards the other side of the lake with the childrens rooms and main house in the foreground

My class doing their exams

You need one BIG pot when you are cooking for 180 kids - and the two meals a day are BIG meals.

Serving out the lunch

Maize and Beans together with lots of veges - Succertersh

The school from the outside. This will be the teachers housing when they build the new school

Yep washing is all done by hand. The "matrons" only do the smaller boys' washing - everyone else does their own

View from the playground to the lake - flamingos and pelicans are quite often on the lake

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Finals of the first Orphanage

Here are some pics of me and some of the darling kids I just hated leaving today, but am sure I will enjoy my time here at the second orphanage. There is so much I need to help with at the other one - can I come back permanently??? Just heard one of my friends Sisco who is mentally disabled and an epileptic (as many of them are) is unconscious tonight and in hospital. Pray he will be OK.
Joseph the Guard and all rounder funny guy, me (just having a great time and yes working too) and Ian, the Director man behind the orphanage.

My friend Alex who liked to come and visit me regularly, he is mentally challenged but is a good boy none-the-less. I had to take him to school each morning as he usually didn't go.

My friend Douglas - I found a home for my terrible hat! LOL

This is Ezra a very badly disabled Cerebral Palsy child one of many at the orphanage. He has much more mobilisation now and can move his arms and hands much better since he has been given Occupational Therapy (OC).

This is Lucas the OC working on Ezra. It is amazing watching him work and he has these children making sounds and sitting up when before they couldn't move. Some he even has walking and he will get others walking by the time he is finished. He has a Diploma in OC and Counselling and does both there as well as general nursing duties for the clinic. He is an orphan himself and so even though he could be earning 5 times what he is earning here he chooses to stay here to help these children and you can tell he loves them. He would like to do his Degree in the next 3 years and of course can't afford the fees so if anyone would like to help sponsor him for the studies he would be most grateful and so would I!

He works on the muscles in the face so they will learn to talk.

A regular "nurse" duty - fixing ear infections. I gave him some Tea Tree Oil to use as they only had lemon juice and oil. When he goes to study he will come and work holidays and any time he can back at the orphanage.

My friend little Joseph - he was the happiest child there and as soon as I said hello he would laugh out loud and say as many words as he could. He ended up saying "aunty" so I was very happy. Such a gorgeous boy but again physically disabled and not able to see or talk 100%. When the OC first came he couldn't lift his head at all - now look at him. I will miss him.

My friend big Joseph - he is the guard there and he made it a happy and fun place for me.
The wheelchairs all lined up outside the school where the disabled children had been wheeled up to the school

The babies classroom singing songs to learn things. Quite a number in here are mentally disabled so stasy here so at least to learn something. My friend Alex is sitting in the front - I actually got him to come to school that morning and stay there.

Sunday 23 October 2011

And still more orphanage

Walk with the boys to a waterfall - fun times

Abdi - my friend who I see quite often crawling very fast

Delphine - the new shoes I bought her

The boys had to help me down the steep vine covered slope so I wouldn't fall

Glad I am at least a bit fit!

I made it down - just

They had to drag me back up

More orphanage life ...

The orpahanage continued ...

The disabled boy wanted to see the horse on our "excursion" so the boys carried him

Caterpillar - would love to see the moth

Lunch - lentils and veges - the cook needs help!!!

Lydia a girl who has some brain damage - can sing but can't speak although she is now saying a couple of words

With 50 kids and motorbikes on the same road - FUN

My "electricity" supply!

They pushed these wheelchairs up roads I wouldn't even drive on and up the steepeest hills I found hard to walk up!

Some of the terrain they pushed the chairs over

Glad I wasn't in the chair being pushed up here! And then they had to bring them down
I bought Chairty these gloves as she sucks her fingers all the time and makes them raw - hopefully they will stay on for a while - they were still on today!

Girls on our walk

Bera - disabled girl I bought shoes for - crocheting with a broken stick

Lydia and I on our walk

Lydia with her home made ball

Washing time - yep that was me too this morning