Tuesday 25 September 2012

Zimbabwe times

Sorry no photos but still haven't figured how to get them from the iPad to here!
Arrived in Zimbabwe where it took over half an hour to get my visa - sure don't know how to do things efficiently or quickly so was wayching my lonely bag go around and around the carousel until I waved at a guy and he got it off for me! 
Then the adventure which is Zimbabwe begins. I stayed in Harare for a couple of days seeing some friends and one of the girls I was very close to at the orphanage so that was awesome. The heat was pretty well up there to the summer temperatures so hate to think what summer will b like. Then hired a car from a friend of a friend ... mmmm note to self - pay the extra and hire one whose radiator doesn't leak and which doesn't drink oil! And as it was salve a small station wagon do must have been stopped at the police road blocks about 15 times checking my license, sometimes my passport, most times seeing if I had a fire extinguisher which you must carry, and looking for stuff on the car to "fine" me, however the car must have been better than I thought, so no fines. Gets annoying after a while though. One even asked me if I had brought him a present from Australia while the army guy asked me if I knew my passport number!!!
Driving was ok though apart from the overheating and the need to continuously stop and fill the radiator with water! Drove thru the beautiful mountains and stopped along the way and ended up where I went last year to the spectacular valley views only it was rather cloudy. Was so excited to be there and know where I was! It is so dry there though and so much has been burnt, I think deliberately before the heat of summer as there r many pine forests. The rocky mountains were lovely even thou it was very smokey.
Caught up with a couple of friends in Mutare and then took one of the boys from the church when I was there, with me. We had a great trip out and arrived at the orphanage  to what felt like mid summer, dust and little water in the wells and to some excited workers who were surprised to see me, but happy as well. And as I was getting out of the car saw them digging and banging something with sticks under where they had the tractor - a puff adder (very poisonous snake) was being beaten to death wit h excited children looking on. Then the excitement of seeing the children. The first boy I saw and came running up for his hug was the boy I drove miles to pick up and bring there last year and then Linda was there all hugs - the girl who turned up one night at the door when she had been chased away from home. Then my little Moses - he is still 2 but remembered me and jumped into my arms and that was where he stayed the whole day I was there. Then of course ther!e were the other 30 to get their hugs as well, then the distribution of chicken pieces for lunch, peaches and oranges bought along the way. Even though I thought I may collapse kin the heat some of us went for a walk up,the rock mountain to where baboons were jumping rock to rock. They assured me they wouldn't tear me limb from limb! After spending time with all the children and many tears saying goodbye I went to see one of the gardening projects of growing beans a young man had started,mthen of course I had to meet his wife and small children! 

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