Tuesday 25 September 2012

Zim continues ...

So about an hour and a half late we took off for the hour drive back to Mutare. Was disappointed the beautiful orange flowering trees that line the streets weren't out in bloom yet but many jacarandas were. Loved being back there again and remembered how to get most places, so was rather sad to leave to go back to Harare. Was pretty much exhausted because of the heat and continual driving for the 4 days so was glad to hand the car back and have a bit of a rest before catching the 2.00 am flight (yep that's just after midnight) to Nairobi. That one even left early!
Now in Nairobi for a while to organize and get information on things for the school before heading out to the Masai Mara and my new home there. Did a bit of shopping for things for the house - was funning having to buy pots and pans only that can be used to cook with over a fire!
For now am in a nice place about 30 minutes out of Nairobi and the man who owns it puts down bores for water and many other projects with the Maasai people so he is a great help in giving me information and contacts. My trustee taxi driver got the place for me so am very happy.
I am very tired after about 3 hours sleep last nite so am planning on an early night for a change so hope u r enjoying my ramblings and they aren't too long for you.

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